The timeless style of hoodies

A hooded sweat shirt or jacket are some of the type of urban wear clothing that are well known for its stylish design and looks. Looking back in time during the middle ages, the style and form of a hoodie back then was a formal wear for Catholic monks included a cowl, a long, decorative hood worn in addition to the standard tunic or robes.

medieval hoodie

The modern clothing style of hoodies was first produced in the 1930s for laborers in the frozen warehouses of New York. Its popularity spread as sportswear designers became astounded by its stylish look that they developed entire collections based around the clothing. Since then it became popular and in 1970's the hip ho culture in new york has some factors contributed to the hoodies success in the fashion industry. High-profile designers embraced and glamorized the new clothing and popularized it in many fashion magazines and even in movies which had a big influence in the urban fashion wear market. Speaking of urban fashion wear market, Rage wear clothing is a brand that specializes in urban fashion wear that adopted the stylish and smooth style of hoodies from pullover hoddie to a zippered hoodie with different designs and colors.

HoodiesYoung men and women, from urban fashion lovers to skateboarders and surfers, sported the hoodie and spread the trend across the western United States and eventually in many countries around the world. The rise of hoodies with university logos began around this time and in the future, a lot of changes may occur to the overall look of a hoodie is still timeless and faithful to the original design hundreds of years ago.

Urban Lifestyle - streetwear generation

urban wear
Urban wear (also now known as Urban or Street Wear) is a distinctive trend of apparel that is known and accepted by many countries around the world. Many influences especially music contributed various elements to its overall style seen globally today.

urban wear
Hip-hop is one of its early influence that complements the expressions and attitudes of hip hop culture in general. Urban fashion has changed importantly during its history, and today it is a salient part of democratic fashion as a whole across the globe and for all ethnicity.

urban wear

Urban street wear generation fashion trend can be seen in more than 60% of younger generations world wide and many adults also. They say that being different is good when it comes to fashion and being different in a way that you can express your self is today's urban street wear generation.

owner of the video france24english

Extreme Sports and Urban Wear

It Seems that every extreme sports is associated with different styles of urban wear and street wear fashion. When we say extreme sports (also called action sport and adventure sport), its is a popularized media term for certain activities perceived as having a high level of adrenaline and sometimes inherent danger. These activities often involve speed, height, high level of physical exertion, highly specialized gear or spectacular stunts like skateboarding, mixed martial arts, snow boarding, in line skating and bike (BMX) and many more.

Basically some people wear what they wear in those type of sports and also wear the same type of clothes as their everyday wear or should I say urban wear. The influence of urban wear through extreme sports created another level of sports wear. Its fashion and sports combined into a breakthrough street fashion that became popular all over the world.

Since urban wear is considered part of a lifestyle, extreme sports professionals and fanatics have developed a way to express themselves by adopting their hobbies and fascination to extreme sports to their everyday fashion and lifestyle. You can always say that having to express your own style is a nice feeling and this example of combined sports and Urban fashion statement is becoming a big sensation these days.

Urban wear - its not just fashion, its a lifestyle

Urban wearThese days, hippies are the thing of the past and urban wear is the the outbreak that revolutionize the world of fashion and became a lifestyle. Back in early 1970’ the word “hip-hop” is a new genre and cultural movement which developed in New York City primarily among African Americans and Latin Americans and then the word urban wear is born. Before urban wear was a type of fashion that displays the characteristics of a hip-hop genre. Years later it became known also as “street wear” because many young generations especially teens are drawn to hip-hop’s influence in music and fashion.

Urban wear
Today there are many new music genres aside from hip-hop and people became more divided when it comes to music genre. There are punk rock, emo, heavy metal, pop, goth, techno and many more, each type of genre has a distinctive type of fashion and somewhat similar but different from each other and all this kinds of fashion is today’s urban wear / street wear.

Urban wear
Urban wearAlthough urban wear is associated to the words music and fashion, people became more involved in their own self expression when it comes to urban wear. It came to this point that it became more personal to many people, it affects peoples lives also, it blends fashion and music together, it revolutionize the fashion industry and it’s not just fashion anymore, it’s a lifestyle. It is a lifestyle where people can express them selves through fashion, through urban wear. So are you also into urban wear?