Should Tie Dye?

Is it “Tie Dye” or “Tie Die”?  I guess it all depends if you like random color spilled all over a good shirt, pants or sheets.  Let’s have a serious discussion on the reemergence of Tie Dye (TD for short).  There are some that say TD is a form of art, an expression on flowing colors that express each person’s individuality ….. (snooze).  Sorry where was I, I seem to have drifted off to some psychedelic dream, this happens when someone goes on about individuality and self expression.
Back to the serious discussion, at  they say “Since the 1980's, tie-dye has seen a reemergence as style and as a highly skilled, difficult and labor intensive art form. Many different colors can now be put on one item to get intricate detailed designs in brilliant colors.”  WOW, way cool dude.  Highly skilled ????, I’ll let you in on a secret, when my daughters were 12, they created TD shirts in our kitchen sink.  12 year olds that are highly skilled, I’m sure they would say yes, everybody else, including their parents may have a different opinion.  Bottom line. I think TD shirts are designed for those who do not know how to match colors or not sure what colors match.  I probably should start wearing TD, my concept of color matching is brown with brown, blue with blue, shade, hue or brightness not a factor.
Sorry I digress once again.  TD is associated with two main groups in the USA, hippies and tree huggers, now these groups are not exclusive or each other.  If you will remember back to your 6th grade math class, about two circles intersecting bla bla bla.   Like you I didn’t listen either, that’s probably why I was flippin’ burgers at McDonalds at 25 years old.  Hippies and tree huggers, that’s where we left off in case you forgot.
What is it about the TD that compels these two groups to wear these designs?  IQ level, color coordination problems, identity problem, too much smoking the wacky weed?  Smarter minds than mine will have to figure this out (that would those people who did listen to their 6th grade math teacher).  I need to tell you a story; yes I’ll make it quick.  Yesterday, yes literally yesterday, a high school history teacher asked if anybody in the class was a tree hugger (this is a true story), and the entire class pointed to one student in the class and said she is …… do you know why, you guessed it, because she was wearing a TD.   I’ve made my case, if you want to be in the two circles, wear TD, if you want to be with the rest of the human race, wear plain colors.  BUT for you who do wear tie die, wear them loud and wear them proud.  (This blog is dedicated to Makayla)

Ugly Chirstmas Sweaters

Sweaters, a long standing piece of apparel that is designed to keep one warm in cold weather. A simple and practical design that takes on a very unpleasant characteristic during this time of year, yes, it’s the ugly Christmas sweaters. How did these hideous designs come about? Is there a secret society that designs these hideous sweaters? How does one design, make, distribute and then sell thousands of these sweaters?

 If you worked for such a sweater design company would you admit it, or would you tell people you worked at the DMV? Those of you who saw the movie Santa, with Tim Allen, will remember when he is talking to Dr. Neil Miller and asking where he gets those Christmas sweaters and then compares those sweaters to the ones worn by the head elf Bernard. Now in fairness, someone must like them by the simple fact they are sold and people are wearing them ….. Is this a subsection of society? Like those who wear cowboy hats, or pro team baseball hats?

 What is the social economical demographics of the population who wears obnoxious Christmas sweaters?
To be fair (as if life is fair), there is one group of society that can openly wear such sweaters and wear it well, little grey or blue hair grandmothers. They are allowed and even encouraged to wear the Christmas sweaters that have lights and music, everybody else, NO NO and NO.
 I’m sure some people will disagree with me on this, but they will be far and few in between. In fact taking a very formal poll, I asked my friends (yes I have several), friends and neighbors, with a +/-4% error, showed that men who are wearing said sweaters received those sweaters from either their mother or wife. Now I can understand that for the 40 year man still living in his mom’s basement playing dungeons and dragons, but those from your wife? Do you think she’s buying the sweater and making you wear it to get a laugh at your expense? Maybe she’s buying the sweater because you’ve been naughty all year and she’s making you pay.

Well the season is upon us, so hurry downtown and pick up your favorite obnoxious hideous Christmas sweater and year it loud and proud.

High Heels .... Looking GOOD Ladies

Heels, they can sure make a difference if how a lady looks, you men know what I’m saying. But this is what perplexes me; putting your foot in a device (high heel shoe) at an uncomfortable angle, and levitates yourself up to 6 inches off the ground on a little 1/8” point. It would be one thing if you just stood there, but no in the women’s world they also walk. Real women do not just walk on a perfectly flat surface, but real women have become so adapt they walk on uneven surfaces (cobble stone), walk in soft surfaces (grass), climb stairs, run, and even dance. Men trust me; we’re not that good, compared to this feet (pun intended) of athletic skills.

 Now I have never personally worn heels, but am impressed what women can accomplish in heels and all for the sake of looking GOOD. How did this all come about? Did several women sit around and say if we put this shoe at an unnatural angle and step into it, our feet will kill us, we’ll have the risk of twisting our ankles or worse, we’ll need to buy longer pants and dresses, but we’ll look GOOD, really GOOD. As the cosmoses know, nobody knows how women think, not even women, it’s the last great mystery. Back to the dilemma of heels, I just went to a web site, you guessed it and they have everyday shoes with heels, work shoes with heels, party shoes with heels, and fancy shoes with heels. I’m already on overload and I haven’t even researched color, materials, or heel heights. On one of my searches I found this Oxymoron (words that when put together contradict each other) “How to feel more comfortable when wearing high heels”, at least from a guy’s perspective.

According to There are high heels and then there is the 6 inch heel which is a whole different kettle of fish. With the 6 inch heel, the ball of the foot is at an angle and the heel raised so much so that the foot resembles that of a ballerina on tip toes. If you needed help with how to walk in heels before, this is a whole new chapter! These 6 inch heels aren't for the faint hearted.

Back to the subject at hand, lady’s wear high heels because as a fashion statement, a way to make the legs elongated and more defined or as a seduction technique, maybe all three at once! It’s just that simple. They do it for us men, so men stop complaining when your lady complains that her heels are killing her feet. Be supportive and let your lady know she looks GOOD in those heels. You ladies who wear heels, wear them loud and proud.