High Heels .... Looking GOOD Ladies

Heels, they can sure make a difference if how a lady looks, you men know what I’m saying. But this is what perplexes me; putting your foot in a device (high heel shoe) at an uncomfortable angle, and levitates yourself up to 6 inches off the ground on a little 1/8” point. It would be one thing if you just stood there, but no in the women’s world they also walk. Real women do not just walk on a perfectly flat surface, but real women have become so adapt they walk on uneven surfaces (cobble stone), walk in soft surfaces (grass), climb stairs, run, and even dance. Men trust me; we’re not that good, compared to this feet (pun intended) of athletic skills.

 Now I have never personally worn heels, but am impressed what women can accomplish in heels and all for the sake of looking GOOD. How did this all come about? Did several women sit around and say if we put this shoe at an unnatural angle and step into it, our feet will kill us, we’ll have the risk of twisting our ankles or worse, we’ll need to buy longer pants and dresses, but we’ll look GOOD, really GOOD. As the cosmoses know, nobody knows how women think, not even women, it’s the last great mystery. Back to the dilemma of heels, I just went to a web site, you guessed it http://www.heels.com and they have everyday shoes with heels, work shoes with heels, party shoes with heels, and fancy shoes with heels. I’m already on overload and I haven’t even researched color, materials, or heel heights. On one of my searches I found this Oxymoron (words that when put together contradict each other) “How to feel more comfortable when wearing high heels”, at least from a guy’s perspective.

According to http://hubpages.com/hub/6-inch-heels: There are high heels and then there is the 6 inch heel which is a whole different kettle of fish. With the 6 inch heel, the ball of the foot is at an angle and the heel raised so much so that the foot resembles that of a ballerina on tip toes. If you needed help with how to walk in heels before, this is a whole new chapter! These 6 inch heels aren't for the faint hearted.

Back to the subject at hand, lady’s wear high heels because as a fashion statement, a way to make the legs elongated and more defined or as a seduction technique, maybe all three at once! It’s just that simple. They do it for us men, so men stop complaining when your lady complains that her heels are killing her feet. Be supportive and let your lady know she looks GOOD in those heels. You ladies who wear heels, wear them loud and proud.

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