Ugly Chirstmas Sweaters

Sweaters, a long standing piece of apparel that is designed to keep one warm in cold weather. A simple and practical design that takes on a very unpleasant characteristic during this time of year, yes, it’s the ugly Christmas sweaters. How did these hideous designs come about? Is there a secret society that designs these hideous sweaters? How does one design, make, distribute and then sell thousands of these sweaters?

 If you worked for such a sweater design company would you admit it, or would you tell people you worked at the DMV? Those of you who saw the movie Santa, with Tim Allen, will remember when he is talking to Dr. Neil Miller and asking where he gets those Christmas sweaters and then compares those sweaters to the ones worn by the head elf Bernard. Now in fairness, someone must like them by the simple fact they are sold and people are wearing them ….. Is this a subsection of society? Like those who wear cowboy hats, or pro team baseball hats?

 What is the social economical demographics of the population who wears obnoxious Christmas sweaters?
To be fair (as if life is fair), there is one group of society that can openly wear such sweaters and wear it well, little grey or blue hair grandmothers. They are allowed and even encouraged to wear the Christmas sweaters that have lights and music, everybody else, NO NO and NO.
 I’m sure some people will disagree with me on this, but they will be far and few in between. In fact taking a very formal poll, I asked my friends (yes I have several), friends and neighbors, with a +/-4% error, showed that men who are wearing said sweaters received those sweaters from either their mother or wife. Now I can understand that for the 40 year man still living in his mom’s basement playing dungeons and dragons, but those from your wife? Do you think she’s buying the sweater and making you wear it to get a laugh at your expense? Maybe she’s buying the sweater because you’ve been naughty all year and she’s making you pay.

Well the season is upon us, so hurry downtown and pick up your favorite obnoxious hideous Christmas sweater and year it loud and proud.

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