Stylin with Glasses

Glasses, the type you need to help see, are a funny accessory. Funny in terms of why some people wear them. Originally glasses were simply worn to see, nothing more, nothing less.

In fact there was a resistance on the part of society to wearing glasses. Member of society felt it made them look funny and showed everyone that they needed help to see properly.

Boy times have changed. No longer are we content to just wearing glasses to see, they must also make a statement. They must set us apart from the masses.

The glasses we wear tells the world if we are academically inclined, young, old, hip, cool, have attitude, or that we are just fun people. When I say fun, it could be fun loving or just that we are different, you know what I mean, just weird. Our glasses identify us, it gives us a sense of being, being different than the other three billion people. It screams to the entire world, we are different than you, at least in our own minds.

 During the 1980’s things were big, I mean really big, really big glasses were in. Not sure why the glasses had to cover the whole face, but that's what they seem to do. Now some of you out there still have parents and grandparents that still wear the extra jumbo size glasses.

Then aviator, police reflective glasses were oh so cool. You know the glasses that were like a mirror.  You could check yourself out while looking into the glasses.  They thought you were really interested in them, but you were really checking out your hair.  Looking back at old pictures, I can tell you it was a fad; we weren’t really that cool, but for several years we all thought we were.

Then all of a sudden everybody was wearing dark sunglasses. I mean so dark you couldn’t see their eyes, and I think most couldn’t see out They were wearing dark sunglasses inside building, at social events, award ceremonies, even weddings. It was the cool thing to do, or at least they thought it was, refer back to previous comment on aviator glasses. Then styles really took a change.

We had euro glasses, skinny glasses, colored glasses, colored lenses, and glasses that blinked. Glasses became a fashion statement, an accessory to ones clothing. There are people who wear glasses with clear lenses just so they can wear cool glasses and set themselves apart from everybody else.

 So when you need some help in seeing far or near, or nearly not that far, get some funky, sexy, stylin glasses. Ones that says “look at me, I’m different than you.” What you really want to say is “look I me, I look better than you.” No matter what everybody else is wearing, wear your glasses loud and proud.

Hair Styles You Got to Love

Hair styles and haircuts says a lot about a person. People get their hairstyles for a number of reasons. Some get a certain style because they want to look like their favorite movie star. Some get a certain style to accentuate their facial features, yet still others get a certain style to set them apart from society.

They want to stand out, go against the establishment. These unique or outlandish styles make for great conversation in society.

The question has to be asked, when you looked in the mirror, did you really say to yourself, boy I really looked “hot”, I look good: REALLY? Maybe they do, maybe all they want is passive attention, maybe they’re blind to what others see their hair as. Either way, we all have styles we like and don’t like.

Take for example, men’s combovers. The only people who think they look great are the ones doing the combovers. They stand in front of the mirror, spending a lot of time combing the three

stands of hair into a position giving them the look of a complete head of hair, or so they think. Then they look in the mirror and say, “boy do I look great”. Let’s hope it’s not a windy day.

Just like clothing styles, hair styles come in many looks, colors, and effects, iIt an individual thing. We wear the look because we think it looks great on us and our friends tell us it look great and the opposite gender says it looks great. So we are convinced, out hair looks great, so we wear it for all the world to see.

So tomorrow when you do your hair in front of the mirror, remember it only matters what you think. So wear it loud and wear it proud.

Jeans Have Come Along Way

Jeans have come a long ways. Jeans originally were a working man’s pants, tough, sturdy and practical. Those who wore jeans worked hard for a living. It was unfashionable to wear jeans any place but at work. If you went into town, or go to a movie or shopping or out visiting friends, it was socially unacceptable to be in your jeans. But jeans have come a long ways. They are no longer just for working. They are a fashion statement. They come in different colors, and styles. Jeans have become sexy.
In fact they are unisex; either gender can wear them in many social settings. You can wear them with just a t-shirt, a tie, coat or in some of the Calvin Klein ads nothing at all. Indeed we have come a long way.

Not all jeans are sexy.  In fact as designers try to create new trends, they do at times miss the mark.  I'm sure somebody, maybe only the creator, thought this look had a lot of potential.  I'm not so sure this went very far.  This super super baggy probably went the way of the AMC Pacer.  Some things should be left dead. 

We all have our own likes and dislikes,  but be assured, jeans are here to stay and I'm OK with that.

Extreme Sport

People doing extreme actions have been around since mankind. This need to push oneself to do something riskier, more daring that the previous person is inherent. Take this gentleman, who decided to walk off a perfectly good cliff. For his sake, I hope his chute opens. Maybe it is to impress the opposite gender, the way animals lock horns or fight to the near death. We instead show our machismo by doing more and more extreme actions. 

Now not all extreme actions work out well. I'm pretty sure this guy does not have parachute, and if he did the chance of it helping is about 0%. He'll feel this in morning. Back to why we continue to do more and more extreme actions. Part of it is because we can. Our cars go faster, our boards are more flexible, and our gear is better. And we just saw the other person crash and now we know what not to do.

Now if you are the guy right after this pending disaster, then you will know to check the forks on your bike before you do a front tire stand .... I’m sure he'll check his next time.

You can count on one thing. We will continue to go faster and do some really cool stuff, and the faster we go the better the crashes.