Extreme Sport

People doing extreme actions have been around since mankind. This need to push oneself to do something riskier, more daring that the previous person is inherent. Take this gentleman, who decided to walk off a perfectly good cliff. For his sake, I hope his chute opens. Maybe it is to impress the opposite gender, the way animals lock horns or fight to the near death. We instead show our machismo by doing more and more extreme actions. 

Now not all extreme actions work out well. I'm pretty sure this guy does not have parachute, and if he did the chance of it helping is about 0%. He'll feel this in morning. Back to why we continue to do more and more extreme actions. Part of it is because we can. Our cars go faster, our boards are more flexible, and our gear is better. And we just saw the other person crash and now we know what not to do.

Now if you are the guy right after this pending disaster, then you will know to check the forks on your bike before you do a front tire stand .... I’m sure he'll check his next time.

You can count on one thing. We will continue to go faster and do some really cool stuff, and the faster we go the better the crashes.

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