Ok, let’s talk about piercings. I may be old fashion, but I do not understand certain piercings and do not truly understand excessive piercings. First, let take the tongue piercing, let make a list of pros & cons. Cons: you talk funny and you look funny. Pro: ???? Now I know there are a whole bunch of the brightest and best, the sharpest tool in the shed type people that will say they look cool, it’s hip, it’s hot, etc. really!!! For you perception is your reality.
Second let’s talk about the nipple piercing …. Ouch. Sexy, not unless you’re a masochist. Just so I am clear on your position, no matter your shape, looks, or personal hygiene, if you have a nipple piercing, you’re sexy? If that’s true, I have a bridge I’d like to sell you. I’m not even going to talk about piercing that some of our Darwin award people on their genitals. Not sure how that discussion happens at the store …. In fact I do not want to know.

For the rest of you who have piercing and look hot, thanks and good for you. There are certain people and piercing that look cool, makes the person look sexy, and you out there who do both, THANKS. Keep it up, wear it loud and proud.
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